"I can do all this through him who gives me strength." -Philippians 4:13

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Utterly New At This!

Never tried them nor have I ever been interested in them. UNTIL... I began reading my friend Quincee Taylor's blog on a regular basis. I quickly became fascinated and wanted one of my own to share my ideas, thoughts, and pictures with family and friends. I realized this is a great way to show my friends and family things going on in my life since there are so many that live away. I will try and post everyday or so and upload pictures of various things that are a part of my life. I hope you all enjoy!

The beginning.....

Another season of refereeing 1st and 2nd grade basketball is coming to a close. I have been a referee for that age group for 6 years now. It only gets more and more interesting/entertaining each year. The extra money I make from it is awesome but I'm actually ready to end the season this year. I will go back to having my Tuesday nights and Saturdays. I will then only be working at my current job at ABF and going to school. For those who aren't aware, I began working at ABF in August. It's a very stress-free work environment, which I need while going to school.

On and off since December, I have been eating better and working out. The scale tells it all! Since December 29, 2010, I weigh 124. I have lost roughly around 9lbs or so. This is a huge accomplishment for me even though I feel as though no one really understands why. I honestly have always been interested in running a long distance race but I guess deep down I'm terrified, and that is why I have never attempted one. Perhaps, someday soon I can begin training for one and accomplish this fear I have.

Something rather new with me..
I have made the decision to move out of the apartment I am in, (where I have 2 roommates), and find somewhere to live alone. I think this is for the best and would love to have my own space with my puppy Ellie. I am at a point in my life where I need to do what is best for me and that I will benefit from in the end. I'm excited for the change and to see what is in store for me in the future.

Stay tuned for pictures to be posted!

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for you for starting a blog. I'm so excited to read all about the exciting things going on in your life! Proud to be your first follower!! Love you, Quincee
